Sunday, July 13, 2008

A True Little Girl

One of Ellie's favorite things to do is go through the cabinets in our bathroom. Normally she likes to pull everything out and pack nail polish back into Q-tip boxes or tampon boxes. Sometimes she will take Mommy's lipstick bag, take everything out, and fill it back up with nail polish bottles. This time, she seems to have figured out how to take the lids off and then how to use lipstick. Luckily she gets it in the right area but just not on her lips. She is also very fascinated with painting her nails but can't seem to keep the nail polish on before it dries. We seem to have a girly-girl on our hands!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Ellie and the Beach!

Elizabeth spent the Fourth of July weekend up at Great Grandpa's cabin. She had a really good time and played herself silly. We took her out on a couple of pontoon rides and she didn't mind her life jacket at all! She did mind the cold lake and the big waves that all the boats made on the shore so she stuck to playing in the wet sand...and eating the wet sand. She had a blast playing with her cousin Claire and learning how to eventually share. Daisy was a little worn out after the weekend as well. She slept for two days straight and is back to her old self now.

Baseball with Daddy!

Ellie finally got to enjoy her Father's Day present with Daddy at a Twins game. They were on a 10 game winning streak at the time and lost the game against the Milwaukee Brewers. She had her own seat and did so well watching the game, clapping when everyone else did, and eating her ball game pizza! We left at the end of the sixth inning because it was past bedtime but she was so good!